
  • Aug5Wed

    Thank God for Second Chances

    August 5, 2020
    Filed Under:
    From the Pastor
    “It is wonderful to be grateful and to sing your praises, LORD Most High! It is wonderful each morning to tell about your love and at night to announce how faithful you are.” Psalm 92:1-2 (CEV)

    God loves to give second chances. Consider Jonah. God gave him a mission to tell the people of Nineveh to repent. But Jonah didn’t like Nineveh and wanted the people to experience God’s judgment.

    So Jonah ran away from God and ended up in the belly of a fish.

    Still, God gave him a second chance!

    He’ll give you one, too. What do you do when he does?

    Live gratefully.

    That’s how Jonah responded, at least at first. In fact, he thanked God before he had even been rescued: “As for me, I will sacrifice to you with a voice of thanksgiving” (Jonah 2:9 CSB).

    When God gives you a second chance, do what Jonah did. Wake up every day with a profound gratitude for the opportunity God has given you.

    The Bible says, “It is wonderful to be grateful and to sing your praises, Lord Most High! It is wonderful each morning to tell about your love and at night to announce how faithful you are” (Psalm 92:1-2 CEV).

    It’s not just a one-time prayer. It’s a lifestyle of gratitude. The psalmist sang God’s praises every morning and every night.

    If you’re alive and have blood flowing through your veins, your mission is still in front of you. No matter what has happened in the past, you can thank God for a second chance to fulfill his plan for your life.

    It’s worth singing about!

    Talk It Over
    • What is a specific second chance you can be thankful for today?
    • What would it look like if you lived more gratefully? What would you do differently? What habits would become part of your life?
    • Do you need a second chance now? Repent, and talk to God about it. Then choose to wake up every day with a profound gratitude for the opportunity God has given you.

    Please make note of Pastor Mike's cell phone number (239-257-8035) and email. He does not check email daily, so if you need to get in touch with him, the best way is through a text or phone call. If he does not answer, please leave a message. 

    • Sunday School with Debbie Woodard at 9:00am on Zoom
      Meeting ID: 852 143 427
      Password: Nazarene
    • Sunday morning service will continued to be live streamed on Facebook for those unable to be with us in the church building.
    • Youth Group with Elizabeth Hunter on Zoom (please contact Elizabeth if you need the access information).
    • Wednesday Night Bible Study with Debbie Woodard, 6:30 pm on Facebook Live. (NOTE: Cancelled for July 22)
    • Prayer and Bible Study with Richard Baisden at 7pm on Zoom
      Meeting ID: 968 0414 4773
      Password: Nazarene
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