This Week at a Glance

Local Service Opportunities

Calling all Bakers -- If you love to bake, we are looking for volunteers to bake banana bread in the comfort of your own home, then deliver baked bread on Sunday mornings or email the office to schedule a drop-off time. We will freeze and use as gifts in the future.

Pencil Partners -- Our PENCIL Partnership is with Dupont-Hadley Middle School, helping with after-school tutoring, reading to students, exam proctors, seasonal events, end of year celebrations, etc. We also collect donations for Angel Tree, school supplies, and more. Please see Vickie Blackburn for more information on getting involved.

Get Connected!

CONNECT with other people. Meeting in smaller groups helps develop friendships...

CONNECT with your church. The many opportunities for ministry helps you to become more involved...

CONNECT with your faith. Small groups provide a time to dig a little deeper. You are in a setting where you can question and discuss and learn together.

We have small groups meeting Sunday morning and Wednesday evening. Click HERE to learn more.

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